We learn best by experience right? Sometimes people even say that they wont learn till they do it themselves. Then there are times that you want to learn from someone else's example so you do not have to go through the "pain" of doing things the WRONG way.
Well I am here to tell you something that you do not want to learn by experience.
I was working in the yard yesterday. My neighbors and I were cutting trees and we needed a fire to start burning stuff. I got on fire duty and started breaking boards to small pieces and I was going to get them started with my new found fire-starter, pine cones. Anyway, when I was breaking boards I kind of forgot to make sure that there were no nails in the board. I just picked up the wood and SLAM! I hit my knee/thigh and the board did not break. When I looked down I saw something sticking out of my jeans. It was a nail. I told my neighbor "I think that it is stuck in my leg." He says "pull it out." So I yanked it, hard. Nothing came out. I then took off my jeans to see a nail stuck in my thigh.
Warning: Details in this description may not be suitable for children or people with weak stomachs. When I first looked at it, it was almost like the nail head was in the leg and it was not letting it come out of the entry hole. I needed a bigger hole to get it out. Amanda got me a scalpel, or a straight razor (since I do not have any scalpels). I began cutting away at the skin and it just was not loosening the nail. I was worried that I was going to cut so deep I was going to have to use my staple gun (from the ax incident) to close it back up. So instead of cutting really deep I asked Amanda to call her sister or mom, whom are RN's, to ask them if it was better to yank it out or to keep cutting. I then took another picture while I was waiting. I was pulling the nail away from the skin and then it just came out. I was free. I made sure that there was nothing left in the leg. I continued to clean it out with the appropriate medicines. It was good and clean. I called my good Doctor friend to make sure my procedure was ok. Because of medical reasons I cannot release to docs name, but thanks Doc.
Moral of the story, when breaking boards make sure that you are not jamming nails into your leg.

Nail stuck in leg.

Nail exiting leg while picture was being taken.