We started off with a trip to Bass Pro Shops in Katy, TX. That was a fun but expensive trip. I most likely spent too much money there. I was going nuts with all of the things that I wanted to buy.

I used just about everything that I bought on that trip. There were a couple of things that I figure I shouldn’t have bought: some weights, some plastic lizards, some swim baits, some 10 pound good for nothing plastic fish, and a spring scale with 1 lb increments. The weights were for the lizards and we didn’t use those at all. The swim baits caught fish and worked really well, except for the fact that you had to do about 10 minutes of super gluing after each fish you caught. Even doing that, the swim bait only lasted about 3 fish. The bait fish that I thought would do really well weighed too much to even think about throwing. I bought them because they looked really good, I didn’t really think about their weight. The scale SUCKED. It wasn’t even close to being accurate. I should have spent another $10 and gotten a digital scale.
The fishing was GREAT. Each morning we were up for 5:30 so we were fishing at sun rise, which was around 6:00. Jessica and Amanda got in a little bit of fishing with us at some point. Jessica came some mornings, Amanda came one afternoon.
Amanda was even able to catch a fish all by herself. I was so proud of her!
Jessica was also catching fish. She even started using a fishing reel without a bail. That was a huge step to better fishing. I don’t see why they make reels with a bail.
For some reason I was able to catch a couple of really big bluegill fish and sun perch. They are both “bait” fish for the bass to eat. So we have to put those back in the water. We can’t remove the food supply. The biggest one that I caught was a sun perch that weighed 14 oz.
Some fish just felt like really big fish. It was always exciting to be bringing in a great catch. On one of my hook sets something seemed weird about it. It was pulling through the water like a big fish, but it wasn’t fighting like a big fish. This is what came up.
Yep, two fish on the same bait.
Justin may have held the record for the biggest fish category. He pulled in a fish that registered at 4 ½ pounds on our (piece of junk) scale. When we saw that the scale wasn’t working well we figured that his fish was most likely over 5 pounds. Here is a picture of one of his big fish. My biggest fish weighed in at about 3 ½ pounds, so it might have been in the 4 pound range on a correct scale. I was very pleased with that.
Justin and I were in competition with another team, Shawn and Charles. We kept count for a while but we lost interest in making comparisons. I think that with the exception of the first day we stayed close in numbers. In the end our fish count was most likely a total of about 325 bass. Justin and I averaged about 27-30 fish in the morning and around 15-20 fish at night. I am guessing that Shawn and Charles had roughly the same numbers as us.
Here are a bunch of pictures from our fishing trip: