While we were in Canada we had to eat out all of the time. One of the places that we went to eat was at Red Robin. The second that I saw the glasses that we were drinking out of I just had to have them for my house. So we got two of them. Kristen drank from one of them yesterday. This morning I drank from the other one. Unfortunately it was very wet and slipped out of my hand. You can see what happened after that. The best part about them is that it has "Canada's
Gourmet Burgers & Spirits" written on it. Cannot replace that kind of glass very easily and I went and broke it. If any Canadians would like to donate another glass to me just let me know and I will give you an address to send it to.
Audrey said she will ask around for one.
dude, I can get you one here in Texas. We got em all over the place, and it says AMERICA on it! Not that canada isn't cool, but comeone america baby!
Why is it a "Sad day in the Baker House?" and not the "Andrepont House?"
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