(I did not post this picture to make fun of people with weight problems. I just thought about what it said and couldn't stop laughing.)
So last year around this time I told Jessica that I weighed 205 lbs. Her reaction was enough for me to lose weight. Since I have been down in New Orleans I have put on a little weight, ok, a lot of weight. I think it has something to do with the endless supply of soda, candy, snacks, and eating out on the companies dollar. So recently I have been looking at my belly and thought that I should weigh myself. What I was thinking was "I have never been this big". From the title you can see that now I weigh more than ever - 206 pounds. This past Monday I think that Rebekah was making fun of me in her own way. She kept lifting her shirt and patting on her belly.
I am posting this because I am going to make a bet with myself. I am not setting up an amount of weight that I have to lose. I am going to set up a change in diet that I have to stick to. In order for me to keep to this diet I need your help! If you see me doing any of the following please punch me in the gut seven times. Then point at me and say "HAHA".
Here are the following conditions of my diet:
1) From January 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009 I am not allowed to drink carbonated beverages, lemonade from a can/bottle, tea from a can/bottle, Hawaiian punch, and flavored water from a can/bottle. This comes with the exception of a junior high lock-in. In this case I am allowed to drink carbonated energy drinks with a HIGH caffeine dose.
So pretty much I am going to be drinking water, Gatorade, Powerade, and my own tea with LITTLE sweetener. I am going to try and stick to this for even longer than the six month period, but for now it's enough.
2) From January 1, 2009 - March 31, 2009 I am not allowed to eat at the following fast food joints: McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Checkers/Rally's, Sonic, Whataburger, Raising Cane's, Dairy Queen, and Arby's. In the even that it is a burden on many people or a life and death situation I may eat something from one of these places.
Example of being a burden on other people: I am on a road trip and the group decides to eat at Burger King and there is no other place around for me to eat. Rather than telling them I cannot eat there, or I have to stop at another place I will just go with the flow.
3) From January 1, 2009 - January 31, 2009 I am not allowed to eat anything classified as CANDY, COOKIES, CAKE, BROWNIE, PIE, and ICE CREAM.
Obviously you can see by the dates shown that I believe this particular restriction is going to be the hardest one of them all. I think that I am going to be able to manage all of them relatively easy except for CANDY!!! That is going to be nearly the hardest thing that I have ever tried to quit. Some people have their cigarette addiction or drugs or alcohol. My "cigarette/drug/alcohol" is CANDY. And I am going to give it up. I am curious to see how I will do it. well I know how I will do it, COLD TURKEY.
**If you read through the three restrictions that I have and see "loop holes" please let me know what they are and I will make the appropriate changes to my contract.**
okay Scott! Are you sure you want me to punch you in the gut? You know how bad that hurts??!!
it is so important to me to do this that i want to be punished if i ever fail. so yes, as hard as you punch, you are still allowed to do so if you find out i cheated.
You can do it. I have faith in you, Scott.
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