I am so busy with school right now that I have not been keeping up with this blog. I am sorry that I do not have anything for you to look at/read everyday lately. I feel like I am letting you down. After my two test this week I will be back.
I have a test on Wednesday and Friday. Both test are test that will determine what I am going to do about the rest of the semester...if you know what I mean. Yeah, it is that serious with my school right now. So just be thinking about me and my test coming up.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Smoking Laws - by Jacque
I thought that my bro had a good point. Let me know what you think. Or you can even go to his blog and tell him (Jacque's Blog).
This is a subject that I really don't understand with some people, especially my wife. Houston has, or is in the process of passing a law to prohibit smoking in Houston area businesses. I totally disagree with the law. Should this not be the owner's decision? This is just like the local government coming to my house and telling me that I cannot smoke in my own house. What right do they have to do this? I can understand enforcing this law in all public buildings run by the government since we pay for the buildings and the organizations themselves. My wife thinks that she has the right to go anywhere and not be bothered by second hand smoke. I think she has the right to not go into that establishment. If the owner was worried about losing her business then he/she will make it a non-smoking establishment. My wife questions why should she have to choose based on smoking or non-smoking?, she should have a right to "smoke-free" air. Well the owner of the establishment should have the right to decide whether your business is needed. I mean lets say you owned a restaurant and wanted to display the ten commandments in the center of the restaurant. Well the city decides that they want to pass a law that there will be no displays of the Ten commandments in the city limits. If the smoking law is ok this would be ok...right? I am not a smoker but I am for the rights that this country has to offer. I am looking at the long term affects of our decisions rather than what benefit we can gain from the decisions we make in the next couple of years.
This is a subject that I really don't understand with some people, especially my wife. Houston has, or is in the process of passing a law to prohibit smoking in Houston area businesses. I totally disagree with the law. Should this not be the owner's decision? This is just like the local government coming to my house and telling me that I cannot smoke in my own house. What right do they have to do this? I can understand enforcing this law in all public buildings run by the government since we pay for the buildings and the organizations themselves. My wife thinks that she has the right to go anywhere and not be bothered by second hand smoke. I think she has the right to not go into that establishment. If the owner was worried about losing her business then he/she will make it a non-smoking establishment. My wife questions why should she have to choose based on smoking or non-smoking?, she should have a right to "smoke-free" air. Well the owner of the establishment should have the right to decide whether your business is needed. I mean lets say you owned a restaurant and wanted to display the ten commandments in the center of the restaurant. Well the city decides that they want to pass a law that there will be no displays of the Ten commandments in the city limits. If the smoking law is ok this would be ok...right? I am not a smoker but I am for the rights that this country has to offer. I am looking at the long term affects of our decisions rather than what benefit we can gain from the decisions we make in the next couple of years.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Shrinking my life

If you could shrink yourself, what would you do?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to ME ME, Happy Birthday to meeeeee!
Today is the day that I get a cake. Since it is my cake I can eat it however I want to (even if I want to eat it with my hands).

Today is the day that I get a cake. Since it is my cake I can eat it however I want to (even if I want to eat it with my hands).

Friday, October 20, 2006
A Birthday EVERYDAY!
We should life as if every single day was a special one. I mean it seems like a great idea. We could do things that we really wanted to because..hey it is a special day. I guess if I lived that way I would be fat and have no money at all. So why think about everyday being special? Because I would cook (and eat) PAN FRIED RED FISH EVERYDAY! Just look at that picture, cannot you honestly tell me that your mouth is not watering just looking at it. If you really want to get the full experience I have put in a special picutre (it is a "scratch and sniff"). Seriously try it, but I have to warn you once you smell it you are going to want some.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Louisiana Weather...Not into Halloween Spirit :-(
Amanda and I carved pumpkins on Saturday afternoon (as you can see from "Hallowing Spirit"). After 4 days of 200% humidity and 90 degree temperatures our pumpkins are not looking to good. I was disappointed to know that LA does not cooperate with the Hallowing spirit.
Of course I took pictures of the "O-SO" discusting pumpkin.

Of course I took pictures of the "O-SO" discusting pumpkin.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Halloween Spirit
This was the first year that I can remember really going out and getting a pumpkin. I always remembered getting pumpkins after Halloween (taking them from neighbors door steps etc..), but that was to throw them in the road or shoot them. Amanda wanted to get some pumpkins and cut some holes in them and put candles in them and make it look spooky. So we went to Wal-Mart and got everything needed. By the way the pumpkins were like $2 cheeper at Wal-Mart then Sam's.
So I wanted to show you the process of the pumpkin:

There are the finish products, well Amanda's needed a little more work.
There they are at night! Spooky Right?
So I wanted to show you the process of the pumpkin:

Looks like some good eatin' right there.
Amanda did not want for me to put this picture on there b/c it shows how hairy her arms are.

Monday, October 16, 2006
I guess seeing that phrase makes you think about what object I made. Well it is actually a phrase that is short for "i so made that up". I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the person who I got that from was Nick, if not him directly it was inspired by him.
I am not going to make the same mistake he did though. He totally should have put his stamp on "My brotha from anotha motha". I am going to put my stamp and Justin's stamp on two phrases today. First....does everyone know these two guys?

Well one day I was thinking about the phrase...make like a tree and "leave" and make like a baby and head out....well I wanted to make one of my own. It goes something like this: "make like Tom and Cruise".
This past weekend I was with Justin when he made one for himself: "make like Li and Jet". Let that go down in the books that WE SO MADE THAT!
I am not going to make the same mistake he did though. He totally should have put his stamp on "My brotha from anotha motha". I am going to put my stamp and Justin's stamp on two phrases today. First....does everyone know these two guys?

Well one day I was thinking about the phrase...make like a tree and "leave" and make like a baby and head out....well I wanted to make one of my own. It goes something like this: "make like Tom and Cruise".
This past weekend I was with Justin when he made one for himself: "make like Li and Jet". Let that go down in the books that WE SO MADE THAT!
Math Tutoring: Follow-up
Actually what I am going to be paying for the tutor is not that bad. My reaction must have been something else to this guy. He just kept going down on his price. I let him stop at $15.00/hour.
I am really just curious if that is what college tutors really charge to everyone ($35.00) or do they just look for suckers and try to get as much as they can out of them. I don't know....?
I am really just curious if that is what college tutors really charge to everyone ($35.00) or do they just look for suckers and try to get as much as they can out of them. I don't know....?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Math Tutoring
Everyone should know by now that I am not feeling so great about this math class that I am taking. Last week I went out and got me a tutor. He is a graduate student from the math department. He was saying that he knew the material and he was going to be able to help me. I had to ask the question, you know the one that everything comes down to: How much do you charge? When he responded to me I thought that he was CRAZY! He told me he gets $35.00/hour. I was ready to walk out of there and give up.
What would you do? You cannot pass this class without a tutor. Prof will NOT help (yes, even in his office hours).
What would you do? You cannot pass this class without a tutor. Prof will NOT help (yes, even in his office hours).
Thursday, October 12, 2006
PEST...that is an understatement

How many of you have been so lucky to start off hunting season with some little red visitors? You know "Red Bugs" - Chiggers. I can remember the first time that I got them really bad. I was in the 10th grade and I had just come back from hunting. It was a bad hunt that weekend and I can remember just laying on the ground because I was so tired of looking up for squirrels. I can now say that I will never make that same mistake. I was literally covered from head to toe. I was not alone though, Justin had them just as bad as I did. I always get them at some point in the year. I just take more precautions now, so I do not get them near as bad as that one time. "OFF" around the ankles, waist, etc...will do wonders! I did not do that this past weekend though. I just forgot. I was not laying on the ground but there were a couple that made there way to my skin.
Basically I just wanted for everyone to feel my itch.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
need a ride?

I am just sitting at the computer looking at some old pictures. Amanda is watching one of her famous homosexual television shows (some clothes designer reality show), hence the reason I am sitting at the computer. I came accross a picture that I thougt was kind of funny. It was from a week or so before our wedding when Amanda was taking all of her pictures in her wedding dress. Not many people can say they have ridden on a 4-wheeler with a wedding dress (except maybe Jessica, Sam, and Anne-Kathryn...I do not know for sure).
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Facial Hair
You know what I have always found to be the best part about growing a beard....shaving it! You get to make all kinds of weird looks for yourself. For some reason a mustache always looks the most idiotic on me. The best part about this is that I usually grow a beard for like one week and then I get tired of it. So I can play with my facial hair at least once a week, if I wanted to.
I think that I am going to keep this look for a while. I think that Amanda is going to like it.

I think that I am going to keep this look for a while. I think that Amanda is going to like it.

Do you like it?
Friday, October 06, 2006
Num Num

I wanted to be able to put up this nice photo of a squirrel next to a bottle of Tabasco to remind everyone of just how wonderful wildlife can taste.
I really want for everyone to know that I am truely going to enjoy killing these animals all weekend! Between the excitement of the hunt and the taste of the meat, you just cannot get much better than that.

This was an albino squirrel that I went see every day my freshman year. He lived on the LSU campus.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
What do you get out of your dreams?
This is really long but I have something about my dreams that I find fascinating. I usually talk with my psychologist, Kristen, about my really weird dreams.
My Dream
By Scott:
It took place at Université Ste. Anne. I was looking for Amanda. I walked into a bathroom looking for her but someone else was in there. I all of a sudden remembered that she lived in another dorm. So I go over there and when I am talking with her I realize that I have forgotten everything that went on over the summer. All of the fun activities mean nothing to me. I feel like I slept through the entire summer and missed out on everything. I then move on to find a place where Amanda and I can go for alone time. The first room that we come to is empty and very clean; I pass on it and move on. The next room is a room filled with bunk beds; all of them have sleeping bags and luggage on them. It is like there is another session starting up (that is what I was thinking). On my way out I notice that there is someone sleeping in there and she tells me hi, I think that I knew her from another session. Amanda and I then continue on our quest for alone time. I then find this “house” where we are forbidden to go. We go anyway. I am in there looking for a room; I start to walk up these steps to what seems like a “tree house” room. The steps are very creaky so I turn around to walk away (hoping that nobody heard us). When I am walking down there is a man walking into the building, he has mad scientist like hair. He tells me hello. I look behind him outside and I see the Doc from Back to the Future (Christopher Llyod). Then I look back at this man and he is telling Amanda hello, only he calls her Tony’s X (for those of you who do not know, that was her little friend before me). So when I hear this I say “EXCUSE ME!” he once again says Tony’s X. I get mad and I start telling him how that is Scott’s wife, not Tony’s X. He begins to insult her and I am defending every word that he is telling me and I am telling him about all of her accomplishments in the past couple of years. He continues to push me over the edge and I want to fight him. He does something to me to make me really want to fight him. I think to myself that it would be honorable for me to fight because I am defending my wife. So I take off my sunglasses and put them on the ground, they break in half, now I am really mad. I put my book sack on the ground and I look up to see a different person. He now looks like a normal man, but he is much taller than me. I really do not worry about that though, I reach high and I throw two punches. On the second punch I wake up with a hand that feels like it hit something. My fist was still tight and my arm was cocked back to punch again. I had just punched the head board twice.
Isn’t that weird? What does that dream mean?
I want to know what you think. I especially want to hear from people like Jessica and Kelly, who have most likely taken classes on dreams.
My Dream
By Scott:
It took place at Université Ste. Anne. I was looking for Amanda. I walked into a bathroom looking for her but someone else was in there. I all of a sudden remembered that she lived in another dorm. So I go over there and when I am talking with her I realize that I have forgotten everything that went on over the summer. All of the fun activities mean nothing to me. I feel like I slept through the entire summer and missed out on everything. I then move on to find a place where Amanda and I can go for alone time. The first room that we come to is empty and very clean; I pass on it and move on. The next room is a room filled with bunk beds; all of them have sleeping bags and luggage on them. It is like there is another session starting up (that is what I was thinking). On my way out I notice that there is someone sleeping in there and she tells me hi, I think that I knew her from another session. Amanda and I then continue on our quest for alone time. I then find this “house” where we are forbidden to go. We go anyway. I am in there looking for a room; I start to walk up these steps to what seems like a “tree house” room. The steps are very creaky so I turn around to walk away (hoping that nobody heard us). When I am walking down there is a man walking into the building, he has mad scientist like hair. He tells me hello. I look behind him outside and I see the Doc from Back to the Future (Christopher Llyod). Then I look back at this man and he is telling Amanda hello, only he calls her Tony’s X (for those of you who do not know, that was her little friend before me). So when I hear this I say “EXCUSE ME!” he once again says Tony’s X. I get mad and I start telling him how that is Scott’s wife, not Tony’s X. He begins to insult her and I am defending every word that he is telling me and I am telling him about all of her accomplishments in the past couple of years. He continues to push me over the edge and I want to fight him. He does something to me to make me really want to fight him. I think to myself that it would be honorable for me to fight because I am defending my wife. So I take off my sunglasses and put them on the ground, they break in half, now I am really mad. I put my book sack on the ground and I look up to see a different person. He now looks like a normal man, but he is much taller than me. I really do not worry about that though, I reach high and I throw two punches. On the second punch I wake up with a hand that feels like it hit something. My fist was still tight and my arm was cocked back to punch again. I had just punched the head board twice.
Isn’t that weird? What does that dream mean?
I want to know what you think. I especially want to hear from people like Jessica and Kelly, who have most likely taken classes on dreams.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I wonder if that hurts?
The Angola Rodeo is something else. It really is something that everyone should go to at one time or another. That is, if you like seeing funny, but painful stuff. There were a couple of events that were a little slower than others but over all it really was fun watching these inexperienced inmates (offenders, as Jacque would say) get on these animals and go for it.
Here are some of the events that I really liked:
Wild Cow Milking
Teams of inmate cowboys chase the animals around the arena trying to extract a little milk. The first team to bring milk to the judge wins the prize. There is actually a guy in this picture laying down. He was being pulled all over the arena by that cow.

Convict Poker
It's the ultimate poker game, and even winning has a price. Four inmate cowboys sit at a table in the middle of the arena playing a friendly game of poker. Suddenly, a wild bull is released with the sole purpose of unseating the poker players. The last man remaining seated is the winner.
I have a video to show for this but I need to edit the length. Once I figure that out I will make a delayed post on it.

Guts & Glory
A poker chip is tied to the meanest, toughest Brahma bull available. The object here is to get close enough to the bull in order to snatch the poker chip. Winner gets $500.00! This was most likely the most entertaining event! The inmate has to square off with the bull to get the poker chip. He cannot come from behind. So this bull was literally throwing these inmates around with his head/horns. Very funny stuff. There was no winner so next week they are going to have a $1000.00 winner.

Thank you very much for taking me to the Rodeo Buddy!
Here are some of the events that I really liked:
Wild Cow Milking
Teams of inmate cowboys chase the animals around the arena trying to extract a little milk. The first team to bring milk to the judge wins the prize. There is actually a guy in this picture laying down. He was being pulled all over the arena by that cow.

Convict Poker
It's the ultimate poker game, and even winning has a price. Four inmate cowboys sit at a table in the middle of the arena playing a friendly game of poker. Suddenly, a wild bull is released with the sole purpose of unseating the poker players. The last man remaining seated is the winner.
I have a video to show for this but I need to edit the length. Once I figure that out I will make a delayed post on it.

Guts & Glory
A poker chip is tied to the meanest, toughest Brahma bull available. The object here is to get close enough to the bull in order to snatch the poker chip. Winner gets $500.00! This was most likely the most entertaining event! The inmate has to square off with the bull to get the poker chip. He cannot come from behind. So this bull was literally throwing these inmates around with his head/horns. Very funny stuff. There was no winner so next week they are going to have a $1000.00 winner.

Thank you very much for taking me to the Rodeo Buddy!
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