I wanted to be able to put up this nice photo of a squirrel next to a bottle of Tabasco to remind everyone of just how wonderful wildlife can taste.
I really want for everyone to know that I am truely going to enjoy killing these animals all weekend! Between the excitement of the hunt and the taste of the meat, you just cannot get much better than that.

This was an albino squirrel that I went see every day my freshman year. He lived on the LSU campus.
So how'd it go?!
Hey scott, up here @ the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton, they had an albino squirrel that lived on campus. They set up a little house for it, and most students thought it was good luck...until it was killed by a bird of prey!!!! HA HA HA, they even had a big ole funeral for it, with pictures of it, and they dedicated a tree to it! HOW DUMB! EVEN DUMBER, IT WAS ON THE 10:00 NEWS!
it was NO GOOD! we killed like very little all together
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