I am not going to make the same mistake he did though. He totally should have put his stamp on "My brotha from anotha motha". I am going to put my stamp and Justin's stamp on two phrases today. First....does everyone know these two guys?

Well one day I was thinking about the phrase...make like a tree and "leave" and make like a baby and head out....well I wanted to make one of my own. It goes something like this: "make like Tom and Cruise".
This past weekend I was with Justin when he made one for himself: "make like Li and Jet". Let that go down in the books that WE SO MADE THAT!
I think the "I So Made That" phrase was started at your bachelor party. I am not sure if that is exactly when it started got but I do remember us using it all weekend.
i do remember saying that MANY TIMES at my bachelor party. i just wasnt sure if that was the first time that it came up.
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