I figured that since it was my 7th year at LSU that I would go ahead and go to a Christmas Tree lighting. It was pretty cool. I think that I had seen the Christmas tree before, just not the official lighting of it. There was also some other incentive to going, there was free food after. I had Deano's Pizza, yeah that is right Deano's was over there. There were a bunch of other places too, I ate at most of them. You can also see that they had ballon art. Can you guess what Amanda's was suppose to be? We also took pictures with Santa. I have to find the web-site they were posted to though. I lost the sheet that told me. So maybe I will post that for you later on.

it looks like a pair of scissors.
I'm going to guess a butterfly.
how you got that right i do not know. it is suppose to be a butterfly though. i had a hard time seeing that when the lady made it.
from the picture i think that it looks more like a pair of scissors than anything (as hehica pointed out for me).
You know that I am just that good :-)
i couldn't see a butterfly or scissors.
What was your baloon scott? haha
my ballon was the bestest penguin ever made for me. even though i have no idea why everyone keeps giving or refering to penguins around me....?
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