Our famous canoe trip that we made after finals. I think that we made this trip two years in a row. I am not sure which one this was. I think that this was the second one. I cannot remeber though.
In this picture we have Jake, Caleb, (Someone), Tara, Matt, Amanda (Courville), Scott, Justin, Jen, Josh (I think), Stephanie, Dustin, Eric, Kelly, Shawn, and last and least Kristen. Can anyone make out who the other person is next to Caleb. I am so sorry that I can not make out who that is! Don't be mad!
Well that was just another picture from Remember that.
What a fun trip! I'm pretty sure this was the second trip because Dustin is there. At least Dustin didn't call me mean names like "broken motor" like you did on the first canoe trip! lol
I think it was the second trip to, because I am flying solo.
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