A friend of mine has a Wii and was nice enough to let us play it. It was SO FUN! I am going to get my one! Really, seriously, I am going to get me one. I liked it that much. All that I did was played the Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Boxing. They were all convincing enough to make me get one. I played it really late one night with some friends. Amanda was in bed so she did not get to play. The next morning I was like a little kid on Christmas morning. I woke up and I ran down stairs to play the game. Amanda came in and played some tennis and bowling with me. She likes it too! My favorite was the boxing. I could not get enough of that.
Hey scott whats up! Its me your good buddy from those old Teakwood days, DAMN YOU RITA!!! Sorry. I cant believe you would get a wii, you were the cheapest guy i knew. But how are things going? I'm working for Weatherford in Houston as a design engineer and i like it.
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