I got a $20 bill the other day and it made me look twice. I was not sure why it caught my eye until I looked again. It was the one at the top (the oldest one). I have not seen at bill like that in years. I am just so use to the new bills now. I noticed how the newest bills are getting so colorful.
Speaking of what the U.S. is using for its new bills. I also wanted to point out the Canadian $20 bill, which came out just before the U.S. bill:

Just like Microsoft did to Apple, it looks like the U.S. is trying to be more like Canada. They have an important person on the front, we have an important person on the front. They have all of that color that changes from left to center to right, so do we! But hey they are two different bills right?
HEY SEAN, why don't you go to Canada since they came up with it first!
p.s. if you want to understand the last part of this blog, please visit: http://www.stwthoughts.blogspot.com/ and watch the video under "Hmm. Windows Copying Mac"
For whatever reason, the United States slacks when it comes to our own currency. Other countries have been incorporating similar security features for years, if not decades. I suppose it's an issue of money since it costs the US Mint millions to print new currency and destroy the old, but then why not just print new money to pay for it. Yeah, lame.
On a side note, I think Scott just committed a felony by duplicating US currency. Way to go cuz. You're now right up there with the two guys who helped spread Mooninite terror all over Boston.
I love Macs yes I do.
And if you had half of an idea of how absolutely cool and amazing and so worth the money,... so would you!
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