Like most of you know from my previous post, Doctor Visit, I am now having to take allergy shots weekly. Today I went for my first set of shots. I went to the LSU health clinic because it is cheaper than getting the shots at the Doctor's office. It would have been $30 just for the doctor to administer the shot. At LSU it is $8 for the shot. That is not including the cost of the serom that they are shooting into me, that is just for them to stick the needle in me. They say that I have to be given the shot at a medical clinic just in case I have a severe reaction to the shot. I cannot believe that it is going to cost me $16/week just for this shot. You would think that I could make the decision for myself whether or not I want for the shot to be taken in the care of a doctor or not. Of course being the cheap person I am I would rather save the money and give myself the shot. On the good side of things I am no longer struggling to breath. I guess I am going to enjoy the day when this stuff is able to build up the immune system. It is a lot easier to complain about the money when I am feeling good. I do remember saying, "I will pay anything to feel normal," while I was having such a rough time with the allergies.
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