Today I was getting ready to cover up the septic tank in the front yard. I am putting two pieces of sheet tin (galvanized) over the septic tank to replace an old rusted "lid" that rotted out. Those sheets of tin have been covering the hole (on top of the ground) for a couple of months now. Finally I made the time to play in poop and bury the lid. I picked up the tin and started digging. About 5 minutes later I noticed that there was a snake just chilling there. It was right on the
edge of the hole and had been taking cover under the tin. I had the shovel in my hand (obviously) so I transported it to a bucket to play with later.
I know, I'm accident prone, I do not need to be playing with
poisonous snakes. I had to keep it show I could show my neighbor when he got home.
I thought that it was a copper head, then I thought it was a baby rattlesnake (because of the yellow tip tail). When I started making it mad it was shaking like a rattlesnake, so I just assumed it was. I just finished looking at the Louisiana
poisonous snakes and saw that it was NOT a rattlesnake. It was a little cottonmouth. How do I know? - Same pattern, and it says under a caption of a young cottonmouth, "Young Cottonmouths have yellow tipped tails."
Scott, did we not just get done talking to mom about your health insurance being dropped. Its getting closer and closer to happening. Your nutts..... Thats my brother.
the picture makes the snake look much bigger than what it was- however- I am just thrilled you got it - I would have freaked out if I saw that in the yard- hopefully its parents are no where to be found...
you are nuts
that's a cute snake. we learned about snakes in our class a few weeks ago....i will show them this pic!
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