Not knowing what we were doing we got in the car today to go to Vancouver Island. First mistake...we took the car. To take the car across is not $30 like we thought. It would have been $120. So we had to go to a different ferry to go across and get to where we wanted to go. That took another hour. We got there about 5 minutes late and had to wait an hour to get on the next boat. So we get to Vancouver Island and find out we have no way of getting anywhere because we were suppose to setup a bus ride to Victoria (second mistake). We also noticed that pretty much everything that we wanted to see would be closing within 30 minutes of us getting there (third mistake). So, tomorrow we are getting up at 6 in the morning and we are going to take the early boat, setup a bus ride, and enjoy a wonderful day in Victoria.
The boat ride was very nice. I saw sea lions and 4-5 bald eagles.
Gasoline: You only think it is crazy in Louisiana. Over here we noticed the gas go from 1.229 to 1.302 per liter in one day. We then noticed there was a trend to it. It seems to be MUCH cheaper to get gas at night. For example: this evening I paid 1.229/liter (4.63/gal CAD or 4.31/gal US), tomorrow morning it will be at least 1.302/liter (4.59/gal US), that is a 28 cent difference in price. I get mad when it goes up 1 cent in a day! I do not know why they do it like that, but I am glad that we live in Louisiana.
Totally off the subject: (for anyone who cares): 3.0/2 B's.
Yay! congrats! dont' forget my candy bar!
No your first mistake was not researching your trip before going on the trip. Anyione that would have researched the trip would have realized very quickly that it is very costly to go to the island and it is best just to stay on the island if you are going to visit. But the good thing is that you did not because it is so extremely expensive. Hopefully everything you wanted to do is not on the island....
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