This 11 year old kid tracked and killed a 1,060 lb pig in Alabama. He killed the pig with a Smith & Wesson customized .50 caliber revolver shooting 350 grain bullets. He shot the pig 8 times before it died. The last shot was point blank. He was accompanied by his dad and some other hunters who had large riffles standing by just in case something would go wrong. He basically chased it around shooting it until it died. He would shoot, run after it, shoot again. Worst part is, they say that they are going to make sausage out of the meat. BAD MISTAKE! I would not eat that thing to save my life.
Many people are questioning the actual size of the pig. Some say the pictures are computer
I do not know what to think. It looks very large to me! If it is real I can honestly say I would not be chasing it with a pistol.
You can look up more information at
http://www.monsterpig.com/. (If you could not see that from the stamp across the picture)
The photos clearly look doctored, in my opinion. Possibly just the angles at which they were taken. But the real question is, "does anyone really care?" Sure, they'll dine on swine for about a month, but that's about all the excitement I see them getting out of it. Now had they shot, say, a 1,060 lb Dick Cheney or Karl Rove, then I think I might get goose bumps.
DUDE, this is such a rip off. the hog's name is "FRED" and was owned by someone and these folks bought it or it was given to them. anyway, he wasn't some wild boar out in the woods.
The hog named "Fred" was raised on Alabama farm from 6 weeks old
• Fred was sold 4 days prior to being hunted with a pistol in 150-acre fenced area
• Farmer said Fred has become a "nuisance"
• Not uncommon for farm-raised pigs to be sold to hunting preserves
Anyone care for some breakfast? I'm making bacon.
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