Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Kill of the year

So before hunting season started Justin and I agreed to not clean shave our face until we had our first bow kill of the season. I was so pumped about bow hunting again this year. I just knew that I was going to kill a deer (head of lettuce) on the first weekend that I hunted. So October 1st was the first day of bow season. I finally got my harvest on November 14th. I had to keep the beard a lot longer than I wanted to, but it was worth it. I am so hooked on bow hunting. That was my third kill with my bow since last season.

I would like to thank Wildlife Energy Drink for giving me the stamina to stay energized for the morning hunt.

Juliette and I

This is going to be Juliette's favorite picture of her and I. Most likely one of those pictures that she always carries around to brag about her dad.

Friday, November 13, 2009

College Football Bowl Predictions

I just don't understand the way the BCS and AP think. I will be the first to admit that when LSU first started off the season I thought that they were going to go 7-5 again this season. But obviously they are getting better and better as the season goes. They have two loses that come from playing against #1 and #2 in the nation. That's not too bad. I hope that they can win out the rest of the season and see what happens there. But here is what really bothers me. And I would love for someone to explain it. How does USC land a spot in the BCS bowl against Boise State? (prediction) USC lost twice...one of the teams we beat before they played them. Washington was an unranked team when they played USC. Really, its so frustrating to think that USC is constantly in the higher rankings even when they cant prove themselves against weaker teams. I would love for USC to be ranked #1 in the nation just so I know that they would go play either Alabama or Florida in the championship game. I am sure that everyone in the SEC is so sick of hearing about USC and their "bought" rankings that if there were a match up between the two FL or BAMA would make it a point to shut out USC and make them feel pain.

USC is not a great football team. Why does the BCS and AP polls think differently?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to someone I know...

Today is the birthday of a very special man. I have learned a lot from this person, and I am still learning more. I hope that people see Jesus Christ in me like I do in him. I hope that my children will love me as much as his children love him. I hope to be as good of a husband to my wife as he is to his wife. I hope to have his physical health when I am his age (you buff man you). I hope to be as successful in my career as him. I hope to be as much of a friend to him as he is to me. I hadn't even known this person but for a couple of days and I knew that there was something great about him. I am so happy for all the times that we were able to spend together. All of those lazy Sunday lunches after church. All of those times hanging out at the pool. All of those times of playing some driveway hockey, and some hockey on the ice. The time that he watched me "hang" off the back of the boat and chum the water! All the fun times on the sled (with that totally awesome drop off point). All of the fun times snowboarding together. So many great times together. I could go on and on. I pray that God blesses him on his Birthday today.

Glenn you deserve to have the best birthday a guy can ask for. Happy Birthday. I love you like a brother, like a father, like a friend. You are all around great to me!


About a month ago I was visiting with Stephanie. She was showing me all of the cool stuff on her new iPhone. One of the games that she had on there was Minesweeper. At that moment I remembered that I LOVE that game. So I started playing it some here and there. I do not know if I ever attempted the expert level, but I knew that I was good enough. So after MANY MANY games here are my results...

As you can see, I have two question marks in the top right corner. Those were the last two blocks that I came to. I was so nervous about choosing which one, I just flipped a coin.

As you can see here, my coin toss was a winner. I was quite pleased with myself. Now I am an expert. The one thing that I do not like about this game is that there are times that you are going to have to guess which block. They should have more thinking and less guessing going on here. After all, it holds the title of EXPERT!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Too Cute

Sometimes my daughter is so cute I have to take a picture of her. Even if its with my not so good camera on my cell phone.

Bow Season

Bow season is approaching quickly and I have a problem. Can you guess what it is? My problem is that bow season opens on THURSDAY October 1st. I have to work, as many other people do. What are they thinking when they present a temptation like this.

Anyway, I am looking forward to having a great season. I think that I am going to be able to put plenty of "heads of lettuce" away for the season. I look forward to having many more home cooked "heads of lettuce" now that Amanda is taking care of the food at the house.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Not much time

I am thinking back to the days when I was still in college and I had all kinds of time to do things like writing blogs. I feel so bad about not having anything posted on here. Now that I have a daughter I should have all sorts of pictures posted and stories to tell. I am not sure if it is a matter of time, stories, facebook doing the job, or just lazy. I hope to do a little more posting from time to time.

Life today: Hunting season is only days away. With bow season starting (deer) October first I am in a hurry to make sure that my house is in order. I have a little bit of construction going on. I am trying to redo my ceiling in the living room and kitchen. Once I get that done then the house should be in much better order. I am hoping to be done with upgrades for a very long time. And Amanda and I are ready to invite more people over to the house. We cannot do that when I have all of the furniture moved out for the construction.

I do have a new job in Lafayette. I am working for Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Its only a couple of miles from my house so I have been able to spend MUCH MORE time with Amanda and Juliette (El Gato Nacho Cheese Margarita). With traffic it sometimes takes me about 9 minutes to get home. Mostly its only about 7 minutes though.

I will try and get some pictures up on here soon. Only the really good ones though.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Juliette Stars in her first commercial

See if you can pick out which one she is...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


First of all I would like to tell you that I have super powers! Let me tell you about my dream....

Amanda and I are sitting around as she is going through the mail. She pulls out a letter from ELSES (the FE exam people). She opened the letter quickly. I kept telling her to tell me what the results were. She just kept ignoring me. Finally she looks up and tells me that I passed. So I then wanted to she the letter. I wanted something that I could read and know for sure. When she finally gave me the paper I started unfolding it. After unfolding it I noticed that it was covered in oil. I couldn't read anything on there. When I went to open the second page it was gone. They had people around me picking up trash. I asked one of them if they had seen my paper. Nobody would talk to me. I was getting so frustrated. Finally I decided to just go check my email....The dream ended.

Why do I have super powers? That dream took place the night that I received the email notice from ELSES. I knew that I had gotten the email before even checking my email!

Anyway, I passed the FE. I am now an "Engineer Intern" and on the road for my PE soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Juliette Elise Andrepont
8 pounds 5 ounces
21 inches
June 14, 2009 - 12:33 PM

Work Update

I know that most of you already know, but I am not working on the Jackson Barracks project anymore. I am now working on a flood gate in New Orleans. They are driving the piles for the foundation right now. So for the next month or so I should be down there doing pile inspections.

Some of you have requested to see pictures of my "home away from home" while at Jackson Barracks. Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Wilsons

This weekend we were blessed with being able to hang out with the Wilson's. I am so glad that I was able to have some time off to visit with them.

I came home from work to find that Glenn mowed my grass, Vivian planted some flowers, and the boys enjoyed some movies on my new TV. So they literally made themselves at home!

Papa Bear came in on Friday and made sure to take us fishing over the weekend. That was really fun, even though the weather was not good at all. We were still able to catch a good bit of fish. Gotta love getting some red fish in the freezer. Of course we ate pretty much everything we caught, so there wasn't much left over.

It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get hurt, right? Friday night I was trying to jump from the boat to the pier. That didn't go the way I thought it would. I nearly knocked myself out by breaking my fall with my head. So I look up to see Justin laughing his tail off. I would have laughed too, I am sure that it was funny to see someone trying to jump two feet and falling on their head.

Lately its not fishing with me and Justin unless there is boat trouble. There was nothing different this weekend either. We got PawPaw's boat and went to put it in the water. Before putting the boat in we noticed that there was no key. We put the boat in anyway and I used the troll motor to get from the launch to the camp. Shortly after leaving the launch I remembered that we did not take off the motor brace (from the trailer to the motor) so I reached down for it, but it was too late. It had already fallen off into the water. So I continue on my ride to the camp and the troll motor goes out. Completely "cu-put". Justin had to get the other boat to tow me to the camp. So now we have a boat with no key and no troll motor. When we got to the camp, that's why I fell on my head. Oh, and my Chaco flip flop fell in the water. They float, but the current was moving. So we took about 5 minutes to find a flash light. Luckily I was able to find the flip flop about 100 yards down the bayou. We all worked on the troll motor to get it up and running again. We found a key at a boat shop, drove all the way there to find out that they did NOT have a key. We finally gave up on the idea of going fishing in PawPaw's boat.

Its a good thing that PaPa Bear had his boat up a running. At least some of us were able to go fishing.

Oh yeah, and the cooking! We ate super good all weekend. That had a bit of an affect on tightening my belt for work on Tuesday. I have got to slow down on the blackberry cobbler!

Maybe I will have some red fish pictures to add to this post later on.

What a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

She is SOOOO Beautiful!

I love these two so much! I am looking forward to June 11th - ish.

Do not do this at (your own) home!

If you want to try this make sure its at friends house and you are not around to help clean up!

All over the ice maker.

All over the frozen goods.

It did taste good, the perfect coke icee. Yes, I know, I am bald.

Coke all over the top of the freezer.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Monster Truck Show

I know that my parents took me to a show when I was a kid, but unfortunately I didn't quite remember everything about that. So, Amanda and I went see the Monster Trucks last weekend. I was just like a little kid when I walked in there and saw those trucks. I couldn't wait to see what they were going to do.

I was very impressed with the show, with the exception of the "commercials".

Here is what happened:

- Wheelie contest. The trucks went up to a row of three cars, popped up the front end of the truck and gunned it. Which made the back tires spin fast enough to bring the truck into a mad wheelie. AWESOME!
- Race off the line. The trucks would start about 10 feet from the other side of that row of cars. They had a dirt ramp leading up to the cars, so there was no dramatic front end wheelies. Anyway, they raced off a red/green light. Would ever made it over the three cars and across the line first, won.
- Freestyle. Used the entire course in whatever way they wanted to. 60 seconds to impress the crowd.


This guy actually rolled his truck over doing that wheelie. It was awesome! He was still able to compete the rest of the night too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Please read this article, I think that everyone should be aware of this. Make sure that you read all of the comments at the bottom.

Kristen, make sure that Russell gets a copy to the link. He would love it!

Am I missing something here?

Full Article.

The article is talking about the money loss from the world's billionaires. Some interesting facts about the billionaires..."The collective net worth of this year's 793 billionaires is $2.4 trillion, down $2 trillion from the total wealth of last year's 1,125 billionaires."

This is a clip that I have taken out from the full article (above). This is what I found to be extremely interesting. I have never heard of the person, so I don't know what the situation is. Just read the comment:

"So is there anywhere one can still make a fortune these days? The 38 newcomers offer a few clues. Among the more notable new billionaires are Mexican Joaquín Guzmán Loera, one of the biggest suppliers of cocaine to the U.S."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funny Kids

I have no clue what I would do if that were my kid...(punishment?)

A 5 year old's Birthday Cake

Friday, March 06, 2009

Mishaps in nature

Here is a link that shows all of the animals.

If you ask me, it looks like someone boiled half the lobster.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Soda Restriction - FAILED!

As you know, I had an Energy drink at the begining of February. That was for needs of staying awake and it was something that I could justify with breaking my rules. Since then I have failed again, and again. Another time with driving home from Houston, and time staying up really late while working on something with Justin. And again today. We had a Shaw lunch and there was Coke. I drank some. I could have had water, but I gave up. I am going public with this to let everyone know that I am a failure.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Cats Need Big Food

Taken from a trail camera in East Texas.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Body in Motion!

Ummm....THANK YOU! Even though that really doesn't express my gratitude I have to say that. I am so grateful to have Dr. Shawn there for me.

Yesterday I woke up with a pain in the neck. It was bearable in the beginning. By around 1:00 pm it was down right HURTING. So I drove all the way from New Orleans to go to my trusted doctor. It was totally worth the trip too! Within about 45 minutes I was back on my feet with hardly any pain at all.

Thanks to Body in Motion I can actually turn my head now!

How I lost $40

Yesterday when I went to work I decided that I have entirely too much money. So the only solution that I could find was to waste $40. I decided to pump some money into the economy locked my keys in the Shaw truck. Then I called Pop-A-Lock to come unlock the truck.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Colorado Trip: The Drive/Flight

I guess the first thing that I have to do is confess that I drank something on my restricted list!

Here is the reason: My flight is out of Houston, TX at 6:30 am on Friday... So I left New Orleans around 4:00 pm on Thursday. I got into Baton Rouge and got into my personal truck. My lovely wife wanted for me to get a couple of things from the Baker house, so passed by there. I was out of Baker for about 6:30. Because of the I-10 construction I made sure to take HWY 190 to I-49. So by the time I got into Lafayette it was 8:30. From there I had to print out my e-tickets and pack up. Long story short, I was packed and ready to go at 11:30. Of course I still had to go get gas and groceries. I needed something that was going to keep me awake for my four hour drive to Houston. This was my answer to that!

So do see what restriction I had? I will give you a hint, it says Wildlife on it! I know that I only said that I could have carbonation/energy drinks if it were a Jr.High lock-in. But I knew that I was going to need some juice in order to make it to Houston on NO SLEEP. So I had to have it. That stuff is GOOD too!

I got to the airport in plenty of time. No mishaps while on the road. So I was able to get on the plane on time and I was in Colorado at 7:30 in the morning!

Colorado Trip: The Arrival

I was picked up from the airport in this really fancy BMW. The best part about that is we took a toll road where there is NO SPEED LIMIT! Shawn was nice enough to take me 150 mph. It was pretty fun. Once we slowed down to 100 mph it was like we weren't even moving. So maybe I wasn't telling the truth about the no speed limit, neither was I telling the truth about how fast we went. But that was still a cool story. Shawn does have a fine little BMW though!

We stopped off and got some Breakfast Burritos and then headed to the house for some relaxation! Which was nothing but practicing for the Wii tournament.

Then we went to Kristen's school. That was fun, we got to help out. Since I am so tall we used my height to hang the kids' art work. They had to make a poster with 100 things on it. Well this one kid made a poster with 100 "lost socks". None of them were the same. It was 100 random socks. Maybe Kristen can take a picture of it for me and I will post it later.

After all of that excitement we went home for more Wii practice. Then we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. It was really good. We also thought about going dancing at a club with Hippies (right Amanda?).

Colorado Trip: The Hike

Kristen and I went for a hike at Mount Sanitas (I think). It was really fun. It makes me want to live somewhere that I can drive 20 minutes for some mountain hiking.

It was about a 2 hour hike. And we practically ran up the entire way, oh wait, never mind...I sucked wind the entire time!

Kristen was trying to hold her car from the top of the mountain.

Colorado Trip: The Dealer

Shawn has been working at a VW dealership for a long time now, too long! He is just too good at his job. If I only needed a vehicle right now, I most likely would have driven one home (especially if he showed me the car at night). I really like a lot of the features that this van has, the Routan. I have always been a Toyota guy, but Shawn has me considering the Routan!

Colorado Trip: Rock Band/Wii Sports Tournament

So Kristen told me that we were going to have a Rock Band party with a bunch of her Colorado friends. By the time it was within a couple of hours of the party everyone started to cancel on us. It was almost like Kristen wanted me to think that she actually had friends. I personally thought that she was paying people to call her and make up these excuses, just to make me think that people really were going to come.

In the end she did have some friends over. Due to a really good guilt trip! So we had some fun that night. We all grew moustaches!

**Thanks for coming over Adam, Katy, Reily, Regan, Leum, and Reese. (I most likely did not get the spelling correct on those names.)**

Colorado Trip: Snow Day!

Oh yeah, SNOW DAY! Kristen on skis, Scott and Shawn on snowboards. We were carving up the entire mountain! It was a small mountain that packed a HUGE amount of fun. We had a blast. I am getting better with the snow board, but I still had my moments with falling.

Oh, and I wanted to go sleding too. Since I would be getting into the car, I had to make sure that I didnt get my clothes all wet.

Colorado Trip: Snow Day - WATCH OUT!

This was my attempt to be funny...did it work? In the last seconds of the video you can hear a bystander..."Oh my God!"

Colorado Trip: Snow Day - Sledding!

This is a trick that a Canadian taught me...thanks for the trick Glenn! I had to go in my swim suit to make sure that everyone knew it was'nt that cold out there.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Best of the season!

Click on the picture to see it bigger.

I am pretty sure that this picture gets the award "Best of the season". Never did I expect to see something like this on my trail camera in the back yard. It took almost a whole year, but it was totally worth the wait to see.

If I had to guess I would say that this is an 8pt and a 6pt. The six point is much older and much tougher (if you ask me).

Now if I could only extend hunting season a little longer...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Air Travel

This is a video that Jacque sent to me through email. The video shows the air travel of the entire world for 24 hours. It has been compressed into 1 minute, so you dont have to take a day of vacation to watch the video. I thought that it was interesting, hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lancelot Encore

This was a story that I was very surprised to see. I really didn't think that this kind of stuff was going on with a public price tag. This couple some how won a CLONE AUCTION. So $155,000 later they get a double of their (dead) dog.

Read story here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food in the freezer!

This weekend I made my second Bow kill this year. I was fortunate enough to go to Rusty's place and do some bow hunting. Due to the wonderful weather I got to see some awesome sights. In the morning I saw 8 bucks all walk out at the same time. It was really cool, something that I have never seen before. At least 5 of them were within bow range, but none of them were "shooter" bucks. They get to live longer because of their good genetics.

I have to give a huge thanks to Douglas, who helped me find the deer after running for a very long distance. I would guess at least 1/2 mile. Thanks to the 2 bladed Rage broad head there was a nice blood trail to guide our way.

Thanks Rusty and Douglas!

Still Difficult

Last night was a GREAT food night. Caroline cooked for all of us and it was some kind of wonderful! I absolutely loved it. I will most likely make her come to my house and show me how to cook it. Yum Yum...

Well Grandma came and she made a BLACKBERRY COBBLER!!! So of course since it is still January I was not allowed the sweets! I was so not happy about that. But, as Justin reminded me, I came this far. So I am going to finish strong with one more week of no sweets.

I do not think that not eating sweets has made any difference in my weight. I think that I just eat more of the real food instead of the sweets. Oh well, at least I know that I can give it up if I need to.

Friday, January 09, 2009


As you all know, I have my restrictions right now. Well, I still have half a roll of cookie dough in the refrigerator. That is killing me. I tried to tell myself that if I waited until February that it would go bad. There are starving people all around the world and I am not eating it. Shame one me...but I still resisted. Then I found some candy canes in the cabinet. Grrr...its so hard. Not to mention all the candy and cokes at work.

2008 College Football/National Championship

It wasn't as crazy of a year as last year's season, but it still had a lot of entertaining moments. Poor LSU wasn't able to hang on for a great season. but they sure did look good in the bowl game. Only time will tell how next year plays out. I sure did like the way Jefferson played! Shows some promise for a good quarterback next season. Although, I hear that LSU has recruited another great high school prospect.

I wont say this much, but GO GATORS! What a game last night! I got a little worried when I saw how well OU was moving the ball. I think there is something about the red zone that really pumps up UF. They man handled OU on that 4th down. And they came up with some great interceptions to keep OU from scoring. It seemed like it was tough enough for Florida. This wasn't there normal dominating kind of play. Fortunately they never get tired. Obviously OU's D couldn't handle an entire game with the SEC players!

Gotta love the "unsportsmanlike conduct" called on Tim Tebow. I think that Gator Chomp on the other OU guy was totally worth it! Being the good man that Tebow is, I would assume that the OU player wasn't being nice to him and that was the only response that he could think of doing.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How did you bring in the New Year?

I am sure that most of you know by now, but I will post it anyway. Sean had some pictures on his blog, but he didn't want to show anything too graphic. Lucky for me, I have a disclosure at the top of my blog.

If you don't know what happened: Long story short...Popping fireworks at Sean's parents house. I drank a Jones soda (in a glass bottle). Sean used it to shoot bottle rockets, I used it to shoot bottle rockets. Car ran over the bottle, it broke into pieces. Last fireworks of the night, five sparklers, approximately 1:00 a.m. I lite two sparklers, I raise my hands and start running like a kid. Glass crunches under my foot (wearing crocs). I go to hospital and get 6 stitches.

Thanks to Tim we had a first aid kit in the house. Tim did a fine job getting me cleaned up and prepared for the doctor.

Ironic quote of the night: I really did ask this question to Tim around 10:30 p.m. (before the accident ever took place) while discussing his nursing school. "Hey Tim, do you think that you could give me stitches if you wanted to?"

Do not look at pictures if you cant handle the blood!

It has been a while

Well, what a busy holiday schedule. It has kept me from so much over the past couple of weeks.

Thanks for the 4 people who supported me in my restrictions for the next couple of months. As for the 2 people who dont think that I can do it, I appriciate the motivation. So far, so good.