I am in the middle of moving out. That means no more computer play time. I have to get to packing and everything like that. Sorry for having to do this. I know that my blog pretty much makes your day.
I will leave you with this funny picture:

This blog contains many things that I think are funny, many questions that I want your input about, or just random things that I want to show you. Warning: Pictures/Videos on this blog may contain dead animals or bloody images.
I thought that it was very important for the public to be aware of a couple of things. It seems that people are having trouble keeping that remote in their hands. There is a strap that comes with this remote but it does not seem to work very well. These are a couple of pictures to give you examples of what can happen.
YOU REALLY NEED TO CHECK OUT THIS WEB-SITE: http://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/
Ohio State Buckeyes VS. Florida Gators
Who would have thought that was going to happen? USC losses to UCLA and does not make it to the National Championship. Florida slides right in there. That is crazy! I do not know much about the BCS but I think that messed up LSU's chances of making to the Rose Bowl. Oh well.
On one hand I would like to see Florida get STOMPED on just so I can laugh at big bro. On the other hand it would be nice for another SEC team to hold the Championship. I guess that we will see how that turns out in just a couple of weeks.
If you never saw the commercial you will not understand this blog, sorry.
This a view of two our oak trees in the front yard.
Two car garage with a little breeze-way on the side.
Other side of the house.
This year I am thankful for many things:
- mom and dad, for always being there to help me out - no matter what!
- Jacque, for driving a minivan - and for being a big bro and always being concerned about me
- Jenny, for marrying Jacque, that should say it all right there, for giving me a beautiful niece, Bella, for being a great sissy to me
- Beau, for being a big-little bro - he is always there for me too
- all of my friends, I would list them but then you would know I do not have many friends - for taking me hunting, for taking me fishing, for going in the hot tub, for sleeping in girls dorms, for dropping me in a parking lot with an Adrien's bagger's cart, for showing me how to do my favorite watersport-wakerboarding, for always giving spiritual support, for making the best funny videos, for always having a good laugh, for calling chalk "2-D" so we could have a great laugh, for taking me 99 mph when I was down, for helping me use a library 4 days before a research paper is due, for letting me eat their incredible food, for letting me sleep over anytime, for teaching me how to be a better roommate, for letting me ride their ATV, for baking a cheesecake JUST FOR ME, for giving me free t-shirts from her work, for letting me cut thier grass, for inviting me over for dinners, for playing old man football in Tiger Stadium, for getting wrapped up and tossed into Cane's, and I could go on forever...
- my special non-friend, for always letting me use you...you know who you are
- my new house, for having deer on my land
- my new neighbors, for helping me clean up my land
- my in-laws, which fall under friends
-my WIFE AMANDA, for being the first person to be there for me, for going to work and kicking butt to make ends meet everyday, for cleaning house even though she worked all day, for taking care of me when I am sick even though I dont know what she means when she tells me she is sick, for being a great friend to me, for understanding that nobody can understand my active behavior (except sean and justin), for always clearing my point of view to match her point of view (haha thats not always true), for kissing me good night, for being the love of my life, and the rest comes with the last comment
- my Savior, Jesus Christ, for NEVER GIVING UP ON ME!
I think that I have covered everything there. Let me know if you feel left out, I can add you in there.
This was when the trainer was telling the orangutan to show his stomach.
Is he looking for fleas?
Pretty Tiger!
Looks like some good eatin' right there.
Amanda did not want for me to put this picture on there b/c it shows how hairy her arms are.