Sundays have not been good days for my health for two weeks now. Two Sundays ago I was hit on the head, causing my mouth to shut quickly, causing my teeth to crash together, causing my tooth to chip and loosen a bit. Luckily I remembered that I had insurance and that was taken care of. This past Sunday I was playing softball, within five minutes I twisted my ankle. Sure it hurt when I did it, but I kept playing the game. I was even running bases like crazy but the foot was'nt hurting. Then I went mow grass, it was'nt hurting much there either. As soon as I sat down for more than a minute my ankle started to look like I was hiding a baseball in there. Me being the cautious person that I am I went to the doctor. It is not broken! But it is still a bad sprain. I have to stay on crutches for at least a week. That really sucks too. Those things hurt! I went to Wal-mart, as you can see, and I really needed a chair to shop with but they did not have anything but that electric cart. I was not comfortable using that thing! I felt like everyone was looking at me like nothing was wrong with my leg, even though I had my crutches with me and my foot wrapped up. Oh, and you know those people that park in the handicap spots at school but they do not look handicap at all? Well, I am going to be one of those people soon. I know my ankle is bad, but I have a medical permit for two weeks at school. There is no way that I am going to let this ankle take two weeks to heal. Why is that a problem? They took my other parking pass and I cannot get it back until the other permit is expired! They are so worried about me using two permits or giving one to someone else.
I hope that accidents do not come all at once for any other people out there. I know that they do for me. Remember the two accidents around my wedding?
Since when is riding in a cart at Wal-Mart new for you anyway? lol
You better be more careful :-)
You felt uncomfortable using an electric cart but pretending to be blind and bringing a dog into Wal-Mart is perfectly normal?
HAHA!!! Eric has a good point there.
I'm surprised your story didn't go more like this..... "I really wanted to use an electric cart at wal-mart so I sprung my ankle at sotball, wrapped it, and then I chased old ladies around wal-mart with my electric cart yelling some quotes of the guy in the movie rain man."
You sure that's not what really happened?
woops...i removed my own comment i tried to edit it.
well like i was saying, i would not have done anything like that without having you and video camera. you should know me better than that sean.
to see the video please visit: www.scottdoesitonpurposetochaseoldwomen.com/funnystuff~52402
your link wasn't working buddy1
Please forgive my wife's naiveté
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