I never really liked watching the local news since it is always talking about who stole what, who shot who, and who was going to jail.... You get the point. So me watching the news is rare.
Back to why I was not impressed with the media covering Steve Irwin's death. The few channels that I was watching were showing people talking to his closest friends and other animal conservationist. The only questions that I was hearing were "Do you think Steve was too careless with wild animals?" "Do you think he was getting to close?" I do not understand why someone would go out and question something like that. This man was an icon to many people throughout the world for teaching about animals. He was incredible to watch because of he vast knowledge of wildlife. But leave it to the media to try and indirectly say "he had it coming to him, he was stupid with animals". I even saw some news channels that went back to 2 years ago when he was feeding crocs with his son (Bob) in his arms. That has nothing to do with filming a documentary on ocean life, so why bring it up again? Oh yeah...it gives ratings. I say the man was wonderful to watch, I can only hope that I have his enthusiasm in my career.
Shame on the news for turning a tragic event into an investigation on Steve Irwin's intelligence and his choices in life.
Ouch man! Way to dog my profession! lol
However, it's important to note ... not all stations portrayed Steve Irwin in the way you described. Some chose to focus solely on his family and friends and their reactions. Many focused on his contributions to science and the study of wildlife.
But as far as journalism goes, it's important to point out ... the fact that his job was dangerous is a very important element to the story and must be included. Why was he so popular in the first place? Because he did the kind of job everyone loves to watch but would never imitate. He faced death each and every day. He knew that his job was dangerous and could take his life and yet that did not stop him because he was passionate about what he did. Demonstrating how dangerous his job was is an important part of the story and was rightfully included.
Kudos by the way to the discovery channel for NOT releasing footage of his death. Now that would have been extremely distasteful.
how did i know that you were going to be the first one to comment on this!
point taken...but its still not very cool of how some of the news people talked about him.
Well I have no business being a journalist if I can't support the true meaning behind it. :-)
Unfortunately, no profession is without its faults.
By the way ... check out this CNN article. It talks about all the media attention Irwin's death has received. It's very interesting.
It was certainly tragic, yet I believe a fitting end for the type of risks he took. Most of you guys know my respect and awe for the man and what he has done in the name of conservation. It is unfortunate that his good works have been obscured by the very manner in which he achieved them. Yes, he took risks, however they were calculated risks where he had at the very least some control of the situation. I do believe that the U.S. media is trying to paint him as a daredevil who jumped full-tilt into situations with no regard for his own safety. That notion couldn't be further from the truth. I think that we should do as the Aussies are doing and treat him with the respect of a hero. With regard to the footage, he specifically said that if anything happened to him he would want it on tape. I think it would be no more distasteful than watching our former President JFK's head being blown apart every time a documentary on the history channel airs.
so he wanted that to be aired? or was he more interested in having something like that for friends and family to see?
by the way long time no see caleb
oh yeah, and i would agree that they have showed worse things on tv than an act of nature.
Hi Caleb!
I didn't know Steve Irwin wanted that video taped. Although I guess it doesn't surprise me now that you say it. I personally don't think I'd want to see it though.
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