This past weekend we (Amanda and I) went to Newellton, LA. That town is right off of Lake Bruin. We went up there with the Head family. I was very excited to be able to go over there and kill some doves. It was the opening of dove season and I was ready to HUNT. See a couple of years ago my grandfather gave me the best shotgun there is, a Browning Citori (Gold trigger). Its a double barrel 20 gauge! (you can see it in the above picture) The first and second time that I went with this gun I was a dove killing fool! It is all in the gun. So this year I was looking for a good third hunt with the gun. The first day was a little slow but man was the second day good. We had doves flying from all directions. I even had a double with one bird in front and then I turned around to the back and got the bird trying to sneek out the back door. That was a huge thing for me! Hunters would understand. Not to mention that I had Stanely right there asking me if I needed help finishing my limit, after those two shots he got the point that his presence was not needed on my end of the feild. There is just something about animals that I love!
I would like to send a special thanks to Kristen and Rusty for getting us a place to stay for the weekend. It would not have been possible without your help.
yeh, i might know a little something about a two in one shot! I can't seem to remember what i was shooting at though. hmm, oh well! haha
well jessica, let me remind you what you were shooting...you were in texas, it was your first time hunting out there. matter of fact you had never shot a deer before. but then a deer came out. a couple of deer right? then you shot at one of them. at least justin thought that you shot at ONE of them. but little did he know that you saw the opportunity for a two in one shot. so if you dont remember yet, you shot 2 deer in one shot!
hope that memory comes back!
thanks for refreshing my memory scott. i don't know how it temporarily left me?
Let me shine some light on the situation. It was here first time hunting, but not here first deer. She had killed her first one a couple of days before. So by the time she shot at her second deer she new that the other deer would run off. Therefore she decided to take out two in one shot.
At least that is my theory.
thanks for straighting that one out for me. i was not sure how that went exactly. i just read about it on Women Legends.
Umm. Can I get a copy of that issue? :)
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