Kristen wanted to get a smoothie from Smoothie King so we did that first. Shawn wanted to be able to get a new hat from Black and Gold, unfortunatly they had about 100 people in that little tiny store, so he did not get a hat from there. Next order of business was Rasing Cane's.

Once Cane's was taken care of we headed to the French Quater.
While we were there we went to the french market....
we went to the Mall, where Kristen lost her leg....

Amanda kissed a whale....

and I hid in the big green leaves.

Our evening was finished of with some Italian Food from Giovanni's. For dessert we went to, where else, Café du Monde.

Thank you so much for coming to see us this weekend Kristen and Shawn. I hope that your side trip to the Saints game was fun!
I am officially jealous :-(
I heard about that Saint's game, early this afternoon, in fact. Half of my english class was no where to be found. Can anyone say extra points day! Oh yeh. quiz on Wednesday, glad I didn't skip to go to a saint's game? ha haha.
oooooo. Canes. thanks for the visual image in my head now. for those of us who remember that canes boycott a while back, well justin still doesn't eat there, i guess he lost his taste for it. this means that i don't eat there either since any eating out that i do is very rare and also includes justin. oh well.
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