So am I the stupid one here? I know that I could be doing more to understand the material (like hiring a personal tutor), but I really want to know something... I really and truely stayed up for hours last night trying to understand anything that I could. I JUST DON'T GET IT. I have never really worried about my pride when it comes to asking questions. I just ask away and if the prof thinks that I am stupid, then so be it. My concern here is that I believe that I should be able to go to his office hours at anytime and get all of the help I want, as long as it pertains to his class. The problem is I have been shut down each time. I am ready to go into his office and tell him he WILL help me or I am going to his boss or something. OR, I might want to do what Justin said he was going to do the that Ninja that was bothering him the other day (inside joke).
Should the prof be helping me in his class?
You pay to attend LSU so I don't see why he can't help you. If he is busy then he should schedule a time with you or help you find a tutor. I don't understand teachers who think they aren't there to teach. Even one of my busiest professors (who was a department head and head of student media) could find some time to help me.
I know they are busy, but they are called TEACHERS for a reason.
But, if he still refuses to help, I'd just find a tutor. It's more important that you learn the material than worry about the professor.
i think he should help. what kind of prof is this. how can his ethics be so corrupted that he wouild deny a willing student knowledge. in my opinion you are not the stupid one in this scenario.
Big Bro here,
My thoughts are is that you do not do anything to piss this guy off. He assigns your your grade at the end of the semester and has the option of bumping up your grade if he desires to. What he is doing is wrong and he needs to understand that but there are other ways to do it rather than make things harder on you. If he is the only professor that teaches this class, then you will have to pass his class at some time. If he is as hard headed as you or I then the more you piss him off the harder he will make it on you. You have to fill out surveys each semester for your classes, that will be your chance. He will see it a semester or two from now and so will his supervisors. Not to mention he is probably tenured so they won't be able to touch him. Do what you have to do to get through the class and DON'T take him again. I have lots of experience in this area since I go to class but don't listen then I have to go to them for help. You will get through it.
I say I come over to LSU one day and help you out. NINJA style.
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