This past week I was fortunate enough to get my truck's windshield replaced (1 hr 15 min) and get my tires rotated and balanced (1 hr). S0 what do you do in this situation? It is easy, you go with someone else. That way you can leave your vehicle and go back at your own convience. Not me! I waited. I passed my time with a game called Tetris. I am sure that you have heard of it.
When I am able to play without interuptions I usually achieve high scores. I found out that once the game does not have room to keep your score anymore it stops at -9999. I also found out that once it cannot count the levels anymore it stops at -9. So, it will go to 99 then to 0,-1,-2.... You get the point. Well the only thing that keeps going is the lines. Every ten lines is one level. My highest score was achieved today. It was 2908 lines....Level 290. I was so proud of myself. You can also see the time on the game (00:10:20). That was actually 100 minutes + 100 minutes + 10 minutes 20 seconds. Pitiful, I know. I would not even let Amanda play on my game. I wanted the glory all to myself!
I want to thank Amanda for teaching me everything I know. And I also want to thank Santa Claus for giving my the game last Christmas!
I can definitely relate. It was only a couple of months ago when I was in your situation. 2 hours at Sam's to get my tires changed, ah the misery. Unfortunately for me...
Some of us are a little more disciplined than you are scott. Do you know what I was doing for the 2 hours I was stranded at the Lafayette, LA Sam's Club? I was writing a paper for my writing class. Yes I, ashamed but honestly, admit that I was doing homework on a friday of all days.
Oh well I guess they don't give homework in grad school so you didn't have to worry about that. Ahh I can't wait. :)
you keep thinking about that whole no homework in grad school thing. i would not want to get your hopes up by telling you any different.
My brother spent money to get the tires rotated and waited an hour for it to be completed, you could have done it in less time and saved the money. Not to mention that you probably could have made the windshield yourself and got college credit for it and saved you the money. What is the world coming to first he buys a ring and with a diamond to top that, then he gets married, and then he is paying to have his tires rotated. Lazy bummmmmm
actually, sams does my rotating and BALANCING for FREE. last time i checked my balancing machine is broken and i guess that you got me on the windshield. i should have made my own.
Sam's told me they do not perform rotations, twice, my memory is a little lacking. unless you are being sarcastic, i just never know with you.
i think that sam's is trying to get out of work with you and your car or something. i always buy my tires from there and they always rotate and balance my tires for free, for the life of the tire. i am being serious about that.
I guess I'll have to drive to B.R. to get new tires next time.:)
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