Yestuday I was able to witness something that I had not seen with the other two birds. The mom was feeding the baby. That was AWESOME. It was discovery channel right on my porch! There was something different about seeing it in person like that. It really was so special! When I walked out there the mom was looking at me wondering what I was doing. The baby had its wings spread out and it was literally jumping at the mom's mouth. Most likely saying "come on mom, I want some FOOD, HUNGRY!!!!" It was so funny to see that baby want some food. I left them alone for a second and went back out to witness the feeding. Very cool. I wanted to get a picture but I just got one with the baby standing up. Like I said, the mom would concentrate on me while I was out there, so getting one with the baby eating was nearly impossible.
I know what some of you are thinking. You think that I am waiting for this bird to get old enough for me to eat. Well you are wrong. This is the fifth baby the was born on that porch and I have not killed one yet. So HA, I am a good person.

You told me before that there was 4 eggs in the first batch. Now you're saying there was 2.
You are a better person than me. I would take them out wrapp them in bacon and grill on the same porch they were raised on.
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