Thursday, November 30, 2006


So what does this picture represent in my life at this moment?

I picture Justin as being...umm...SCHOOL. Specifically MATH 4038 and CE 4440. It has me in the head lock and I do not have much left in me to fight back.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Car Fax

Has anyone ever seen the commercial for the company call "Car Fax"? It tells you about all of the wonderful things that a car has been through so you do not buy something that you do not know everything about.

I was thinking of this company when I saw this car:

It is a 57 Cheverolt Car. In great condition. Motor still runs, 46,435 miles. A/C and heat. New tires, only 5,000 miles on them. 10 disc CD changer. New speakers. Leather seats.

If you never saw the commercial you will not understand this blog, sorry.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Do you think that I had fun?

Anyone who knows me, even a little bit, would know that I did have fun. I finally got my hands on the tractor with the bush-hog. I was waiting for this moment for quite a while. I thought that I would share this wonderful picture with you.

House pics

So I promised pictures of our future home and here it is. It is about 900 sf. Very comfotable! It has 1 room that holds the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and dinning room. Sweet huh?

This a view of two our oak trees in the front yard.

This is the front view of our other house on the property.

Two car garage with a little breeze-way on the side.

Other side of the house.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

as Jessica would say - does anyone know what today is?


This year I am thankful for many things:

- mom and dad, for always being there to help me out - no matter what!
- Jacque, for driving a minivan - and for being a big bro and always being concerned about me
- Jenny, for marrying Jacque, that should say it all right there, for giving me a beautiful niece, Bella, for being a great sissy to me
- Beau, for being a big-little bro - he is always there for me too
- all of my friends, I would list them but then you would know I do not have many friends - for taking me hunting, for taking me fishing, for going in the hot tub, for sleeping in girls dorms, for dropping me in a parking lot with an Adrien's bagger's cart, for showing me how to do my favorite watersport-wakerboarding, for always giving spiritual support, for making the best funny videos, for always having a good laugh, for calling chalk "2-D" so we could have a great laugh, for taking me 99 mph when I was down, for helping me use a library 4 days before a research paper is due, for letting me eat their incredible food, for letting me sleep over anytime, for teaching me how to be a better roommate, for letting me ride their ATV, for baking a cheesecake JUST FOR ME, for giving me free t-shirts from her work, for letting me cut thier grass, for inviting me over for dinners, for playing old man football in Tiger Stadium, for getting wrapped up and tossed into Cane's, and I could go on forever...
- my special non-friend, for always letting me use know who you are
- my new house, for having deer on my land
- my new neighbors, for helping me clean up my land
- my in-laws, which fall under friends
-my WIFE AMANDA, for being the first person to be there for me, for going to work and kicking butt to make ends meet everyday, for cleaning house even though she worked all day, for taking care of me when I am sick even though I dont know what she means when she tells me she is sick, for being a great friend to me, for understanding that nobody can understand my active behavior (except sean and justin), for always clearing my point of view to match her point of view (haha thats not always true), for kissing me good night, for being the love of my life, and the rest comes with the last comment

- my Savior, Jesus Christ, for NEVER GIVING UP ON ME!

I think that I have covered everything there. Let me know if you feel left out, I can add you in there.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I think that it's that time!

Today I went to Wal-mart and Sam's and I noticed something. People are everywhere in the stores right now! I think that this is the time of the year that I stop going to stores between 6 in the morning and 12 at night. Seriously! I cannot go to stores to watch all of these people go crazy over all of the "Sales".

If that is what you like go for it, I will be at home staying out of your way.

Monday, November 20, 2006

getting into a new house is tough

Amanda and I are going to be moving into a new place by the first of the year. We have not really told many people about that, so if you are hearing this for the first time, trust me, you are not alone. It sits on about 3 acres. It is a pretty nice house too. It is still being remodeled right now, so we are making slow progress. The land is what really drew me to it! There is a lot of cleaning to do out there, a lot! It belongs to Amanda's side of the family, we are just going to be renting it. It was a little neglected for a while with the yard. I have been out there two weekends now getting random stuff done to it. We have been burning a lot of trees, etc... It is coming along nice though. Some inside work was done this past weekend. We put up 5 fans with lights and a couple of other lights in hallways. Amanda did a lot of cleaning up inside throughout the weekend. The inside is coming along good too! Everything is going to take time, I know that, but I just want to move in there and it all be done.

I hope that once we move over there that everyone will be able to come and visit. I am going to have a party when we move out there. We will have a big fire and stuff.

I will have some pictures up sooner or later.

Friday, November 17, 2006

my favorite activity on the beach

This was by far the best part of the beach. I really enjoyed looking at the water and just moving with the wind. I could have done that all day long. I am going to get rich and buy a big sail boat and house all of my friends for a whole summer while we sail all over the world.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I cannot stop looking at it!

This is a picture of me looking at my wonderful trophy. I earned this trophy by winning a competition of scholastic achievements. It was a game show that took place while on the cruise, hence the cruise-ship trophy.
I was competing against a guy from Baton Rouge and some lady from Arnaudville, I think she was my mother-in-law. They were looking for some crazy people in the audience so J.C. (the mother-in-law) starts to scream and shake like a crazy woman and I just could not be out done so I did the same if not more. We were both chosen.
The questions were very difficult at times but I did manage to get ahead. Here is an example of a question: What was the occupation of Al Bundy? See I bet most of you do not even know the answer.
There was a request that even if we did not know the answer we should say something stupid, my phrase was: "Six shooter" revolver. So for like 3 questions that was my response. In the following game there was a contestant that gave the response "'Six shooter' revolver". That was very funny that I started a trend.

I hope that you like looking at my trophy as much as I do.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Our Cruise

I know that most of you did not even know that I was going on a cruise this past week so I thought that I would fill you in on it. Amanda called me about 2 weeks ago and gave me 3 seconds to decide if I wanted to go on a cruise. It was a limited time price that was given to us, so a quick decision had to be made. It was pretty cheap too! Amanda got a bonus from work so that is what she wanted to do with it. The discount was a senior citizen discount since we booked with her mom and dad.

We went to Cozumel Mexico. It was very FUN. Being on the boat had good and bad to it but the good was much more than the bad. So you ask about the bad....the bad was actually really good. I ate constantly for four days, good for eating, bad for OVEREATING. Cozumel was INCREDIBLE!

I can tell everyone about the cruise later on when I see or talk with you. It is too much to make someone read. So when you see this and I have not called you, give me a call and I can tell you about it.

Monday, November 06, 2006

How far will advertising go?

A couple of months ago this chicken place opened up near our house. I thought that it would go out of business within like 2 weeks but it is still there. This sign definitely caught my eye!

I quit eating Raising Cane's about 3 years ago because of an advertisement that I did not agree with. It showed a picture of a woman's hip/butt with a Cane's sign "tattooed" on her. I think that this place has me laughing at it more than being bothered by it, not that I would eat there chicken anyway.

Our trip to the Audubon Zoo

One day before my birthday Amanda took me to the Audubon Zoo. I took a lot of really cool pictures while I was there and I wanted to share a couple with you. I would put them all b/c I like all of them, but you would be here a while.

So here are some pics:

This was when the trainer was telling the orangutan to show his stomach.

Is he looking for fleas?

Pretty Tiger!