Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Don't get me wrong. I am a huge fan of throwing my line out with some artificial bait at the end luring big fish in for a "meal" (they think they are getting the meal, but really, they are MY meal).

This is just another addiction to add to my list of REALLY REALLY FUN things to do.

First of all I have to send thanks to Jeff for taking me on this trip. I am very glad that he called and invited me. I would also like to thank Patrick (aka "Abe"). He was generous enough to take us out on his nicely setup boat.

Basically there are 6 lights off the front of the boat. We drove around the marsh until we saw fish. We aren't really waiting for them to come to the light. We are just trolling the banks hoping to come up on some fish. This particular night was kind of crazy at first since we didn't really find many fish. Patrick was eventually able to get us on some good spots.

As you all know, when looking at something that is in the water its not really in the spot that you are looking at. Because of the refraction of the light, the object we see under the water is actually in a different spot than what we see. That is what makes shooting fish underwater so difficult.

I really thought that I was going to get the hang of it really quick. But for some reason I think that it took me about 20 shots before I actually hit a fish. From there it got a little easier but really every shot is a different situation. Sometimes the fish is deeper, further out, swimming fast, swimming slow, etc... So its really difficult to get in the groove with shooting. BUT IT IS SOOO FUNN!!!!!

Here are some pictures from our trip. Jeff shot 3 red fish and drove the boat a lot. I shot 2 flounder, 1 red fish, and 1 big black drum (15 lbs). Patrick shot 3 red fish and drove a lot. Wayne shot 3 or 4 red fish.

I think Jeff shot the first fish.

Shooting the flounder was a lot of fun! My mom cooked the flounder for me, that is a very YUMMY fish!

When I got home I weighed it with my fish scale. It was right at 15 lbs.

Packed Deer Meat

My brother sent me this.

The driver of the car was traveling at 140 mph when he saw a deer in the road. The deer disappeared. The driver got out of his car to find this...

Hey Sean, isn't that a really nice car?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wasting 5 minutes of your life!

Untitled from Scott on Vimeo.

This should be the biggest waste of 5 minutes. I hope that you have absolutely nothing better to do.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

When it rains it POURS!

It use to be that when I got a flat tire on my truck or my bike, I would have at least two or three more flats within that month ("when it rains it pours"). Now that I am a homeowner this kind of stuff happens....

This weekend I got a call from my maw-in-law. She told me that the tree in the back yard fell down. It fell on top of the power line running to the house. The pole on the house that holds the line bent over, breaking the decking on the roof. The utility company came out and took the meter and left a note for us to call an electrician. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! Anyway, I started to look at the damage outside and it didn't seem too bad. We would have to fork out some money to get the electric panel back up and running.

With no power at the house I had to make sure to bring a flash light with me. When I turned on the light in the house I saw more damage. There was something leaking in the attic. There was a big water stain on the ceiling with some of the tiles on the floor. The carpet was pretty wet too! So I go in the attic to see whats going on. Its the water heater. So I have to call a plumber to come fix that. Its covered under the home warranty so at least I don't have to pay too much. It ended up being the flex hose for the hot and cold water. They both lost their gaskets.

While I was up in the attic I was looking around at everything and saw that there was a wire that caught on fire! Yes, in the attic, a wire was burning away. Thankfully God was watching and didn't allow it to burn the entire house down. When I showed the electrician how the wire burnt he pointed out that one of the breakers was messed up. Guess which wire burnt! Oh, and the wire was running to the dishwasher. Which means that most likely the dishwasher is FRIED!

Total loss: Electricity, wiring, breaker panel, insulation (in the attic, due to fire and water), water damaged ceiling tiles, ceiling fan within the water damage, dishwasher, phone line, pecan tree, and my pocket book!

Worst part about all of this is that I have been calling electricians since Monday. For some reason there must be a deal right now where they are NOT allowed to call people back. I was able to get one out to the house yesterday morning. He was going to send me the bid to send in to insurance. HE NEVER CALLED BACK! Grrrr....what is wrong with people! I need to have my house fixed.

**The title of this post was thought up by Justin.**

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's only fair.

Two days ago I was working at the Shaw corporate office in Baton Rouge. I had the Shaw truck parked in the visitor’s lot in front of the building. For some reason during the day I noticed that I didn’t have my computer bag with me. So I figured that I forgot it at home. When I got off of work I got in the truck to go home, my bag wasn’t in there so then I knew that I left it at home. I got home, looked for it and it wasn’t there either. Things started to click while thinking about it. When I left the office that evening the truck was telling me that the passenger door was open, so I had to close it before leaving. Then I noticed that the passenger door wouldn’t lock. So I checked that out from the outside of the truck and noticed that the key hole was all messed up. YEP, someone most likely stuck a screw driver in there and just forced the lock open. Then they just reached in there and took my computer bag.

So now I am out an iPod, a TI-82 graphing calculator, a nice Shaw pad, and a computer bag. Luckily I didn’t have the laptop in the bag at the time.

It’s so aggravating that people do this. So I have to sarcastically tell myself that its only fair that if I have an iPod, everyone should have an iPod. To me that’s exactly what our new government stands for. Take what I have earned and give it to those would didn’t. GGRRRRR.....

I heard that there might be a way to track the iPod through iTunes. Something about if someone goes to use it online it will recognize the serial number on there. Anyone know about any apple theft programs?

How much they make.

So, I am not so sure that I agree with this. They are posting the salaries of all of the "teachers" at LSU. I know that its a public university and they have to post this kind of public information. I am sure that this is how it has been, but I never thought to look it up before.

I personally think that it would be just as good to post the money given to each department for salaries. That would still show me where the states money is being spent and I dont have to get into peoples personal business. As most of you know, I wouldnt want for people to know or ask how much I make, much less be posted to the world. BUT, I am going to have to admit...I am a hypocrit for this. I went on there because I was curious. I went on there because I thought about all of the teachers that I didnt like and compared their money to the ones that I did like.

So, if you are at LSU, or you went to LSU and you wonder about the pay click here.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Nice t-shirt

I wish that LSU could have beaten Georgia so we could have made a shirt like this.

I am not a fan of Florida (with the exception of them representing SEC in a BCS bowl game).

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I have one thing to say about the presidential election...

Stephanie gave me this card a long time ago. I thought that it was appropriate for the presidential election.

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was a perfect example of me no longer being bound to a school schedule.

Friday afternoon I was at the camp bow hunting. Of course after the hunt I was about to hang out with Justin and Papa, which is always fun. Even more so since we were hanging out around the camp fire. Saturday morning, I was in the bow stand again. Nothing ever came by, but I still had fun. Saturday night Amanda and I were off to Pineville, LA. We went over there to celebrate a birthday with our friends. Kristen came in from CO, so I figured we could make a short drive over there. I ended up staying over there to do some deer hunting. I hunting Sunday afternoon, saw some deer but nothing was close enough. I spent the night and hunted again Monday morning. I saw a lot of action, but again, nothing was close enough to shoot. I hung out for the day and decided to sight in my new rifle. So I hunted with my rifle Monday evening. Which ended up being a SUCCESSFUL hunt! I was so happy. I killed a 130 lb doe. That thing was FAT. So that was a good end to my weekend.

Special thanks to Justin and Papa for once again allowing me out at the camp. And also a special thanks to Rusty for letting stay and hunt at the house. All of you guys are awesome!

What a week!

I cannot believe how crazy things can get sometimes. Last week was one of those weeks that I am REALLY glad to see go by. As most of you know already, Amanda and I closed on our house last Thursday! YEP, WE ARE HOMEOWNERS! Well, there were so many "scares" going into the buy. For starters the sellers had some outstanding issues that the lawyers wanted cleared up before we made the purchase. This particular mix up was possibly going to cause our closing to be delayed to this week. The problem with that would have been the fact that our interest rate was good through the 31st. So with today's interest rate, I would have had to pay more. BUT, that all got cleared up and we were back on track for a closing on Thursday. So I went to the bank to get a certified check for the down payment and closing. I called the mortgage company to see if it would be a problem that I increased our down payment some. My loan officer wasn't there so I had to ask someone else. They said there would be no problem with that. So I did it. Then I get a call back asking who told me it was ok to do that. Basically it created more paperwork. But in the middle of that conversation something came up about the price of the house being dropped. I didn't think that it was an issue because lower is better. Well nobody ever told the mortgage company about it. Why is this a problem? - The loan may have to be re approved because the price was lowered due to repairs needed on the house. Fortunately I had a great crew (Realtor, Loan Officer, etc...). The sell is complete and we have a house now.

So our first home purchase summed up...CRAZY AWESOME!

To see pictures click here.