Monday, August 20, 2007

Fun Fishing!?

I was in middle school the last time that I went off-shore fishing with Thomas and his family. We went red snapper fishing. It was a blast. I caught a lot of fish and I got very sick! I was sick enough to want to get on a platform and chill out for a while. That is exactly what I did, I got on the platform, drank water, and I felt better. I fished again until I felt bad enough to take another break.

This past weekend I was blessed with another opportunity to go off-shore fishing. This time with Justin, Glenn, Papa Bear, and friends. Glenn had some of his in-laws come down from Canada to take all of them fishing. I was so excited about being able to go out there.

We left from the camp around 6 in the morning. We stopped and fished as we went further and further out into the Gulf of Mexico. After a couple of stops I started getting sick. Justin was nice enough to get sick next to me, making it a lot easier for me to let it out. Justin gained control of himself again and had more fun fishing. I had caught a couple of fish by then and I just kept getting sick over and over. I knew I would get sick out there, what I did not know is that I could no longer seek "dry land" on the platform. It is illegal to set foot on those things now. So I was stuck in the boat. I had a blast while I was catching fish, but I was not having any fun at all once my stomach took over and kept me sick.

The other people on the boat did well. We caught a limit of red snapper, a lemon fish, a rainbow runner, and a trigger fish. That is just what we kept. There were plenty of hard tails (thanks to JT), plenty of bull reds, and other fun fish. One thing that was really cool to see was a HUGE marlin jumping out of the water catching other fish. Of course we tried to catch it, but never had any luck.

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Poll #2

71% - 11 times
29% - 5 times

I knew that this one was going to be a hard one for y'all. I had to make a list for myself just so I could remember.

1. TV fell on my head - (5 years old)
2. Stepped on something while fishing in pond - (11 years old)
3. Got some air on a jump and busted my knee, biking - (14 years old)
4. Ice Skate to the shin, someone thought they could spray ice on me - (17 years old)
5. Axe to the shin - (23 years old)
6. Rock into the shin, three weeks after axe/6" above axe - (23 years old)
7. Knife to the hand - (25 years old)

Times that I have needed stitches....unknown.

Thanks for playing.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

A sad day in the Baker house

While we were in Canada we had to eat out all of the time. One of the places that we went to eat was at Red Robin. The second that I saw the glasses that we were drinking out of I just had to have them for my house. So we got two of them. Kristen drank from one of them yesterday. This morning I drank from the other one. Unfortunately it was very wet and slipped out of my hand. You can see what happened after that. The best part about them is that it has "Canada's Gourmet Burgers & Spirits" written on it. Cannot replace that kind of glass very easily and I went and broke it. If any Canadians would like to donate another glass to me just let me know and I will give you an address to send it to.


What a wonderful Friday it was! Kristen decided to come and visit me this weekend. She had five goals for her trip to Baton Rouge:

1. See my house
2. Eat at D'Angelo's
3. Eat at Ninfa's
4. Eat at Smoothie King
5. Sell 13 DVD/CD combos

We met at D'Angelo's on Lee and had some wonderful food over there. We then needed to go to Target. We all tried on some clothes over there. After that we went to Sam's for an ICEE. Then we got into CRAZY traffic for over an hour to get to Baker.
Later that night we went to Ninfa's. While we were waiting for our table I was trying to get Kristen to try and sell some DVD/CD combos. Instead of her trying, I figured I would sell them, to prove a point/win a bet.
I tried to sell one to a worker (directing parking). He didn't really believe that it was for a good cause. I moved on to two women across the parking lot. While I am in the middle of my sell this guy comes up to me and tells me that I have to leave or he will call the cops. He was very rude about it, but I got up and walked back to the car and put the DVD/CD combo away. Well the two managers were following me. He continues to tell me that the cop is on his way. He actually said "Cops are on the way, he is a sergeant in the BRPD". How weird is that, intimidation? I tell him "I put them away, what is your problem?" He tells me "Just leave". Well Kristen came from Colorado to eat at Ninfa's, I cannot let us get kicked out on account of me. So I make my way to the manager and I apologize to him for being rude and for not listening to him the first time. I almost got on my knees to ask him to let us eat there, but it wasn't necessary. I was granted the right by the ALL MIGHTY ONE to eat at HIS restaurant, just so long I was being sincere and I was good boy while eating. Then the cop comes to talk with me. I thought that he was going to nice. He asked me what happened, I told the story. The cop then tells me never to do it again and to behave, otherwise I was going to JAIL. So then we ate the food and it was great.
Kristen got up this morning and we went for a smoothie. She saw a familiar face while we were there. It was a man sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette.
We also went to see Mike the Tiger (statue). Did you know that there is one in front of the football stadium AND in front of Mike's new cage?
I may have a story to tell about models later on, we will have to see if the pictures come back to us or not.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

OUCH! --- Kristen DON'T LOOK

I am pretty sure that I am related to anyone that could do something like this. I mean, there are people who avoid accidents and then there are people like me and this guy. I bet you if he was old enough to blog he would have a poll about how many times he has had stitches.