Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What kind of engineering?

As you know I had to take my freezer to my parents house because of the hurricane taking out power for a week in Baker. Sunday I got my freezer back. My dad and I lifted it into the back of my truck. No problem with two BUFF men handling it. But, getting it out of the truck once I got home, different question.

I am trying to figure out what kind of engineering this is. I know that I have a back ground in structural engineering, but I also have a back ground of growing up in south Louisiana.

Is this the engineering of a southern boy or the engineering of an LSU engineering student?

I personally think that its a little bit of both. The first thing I had to ask myself is what is the easiest way to get the freezer out of my truck so I could go run errands - roll off onto an even surface. Second question where - garage counter top, nope...umm...down a large piece of plywood. So I put the ply wood on my truck and noticed a little too much deflection when I stood on it, needs a middle brace. ICE CHEST! Perfect height. Doesn't that seem like its a little of both?

More Trail Camera Pics

I always love getting to see new stuff on the trail camera. Especially when I can see the differences in animals. Kind of like the two fawns in these pictures. They are a bit older than the fawn in last weeks post.

A while back I got a picture on the camera of what I thought to be a coyote. It wasn't clear enough so I never posted about it, but this was plenty clear enough to know that it is indeed a coyote. Unless its some savage beast that I don't know about. I think that I need to kill it before it tries to kill those baby deer.

I think that this fawn is older than the other one in last weeks post.

1...2, nice! I like knowing that I have at least two babies out there. I think there are three though. Its hard to tell with its' butt facing the camera, but I think that both of these fawns are older than the first one that I saw.

BEAUTIFUL BUCK, best that I have seen in the "messed up" department.

The coyote.

Is this not an evil look? I think that the second set of eyes off in the back are those of a deer. If you look at the babies eyes glowing you can see that they are yellow. Look at the coyote's eyes, they are blue. Hmmm.....

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Upsets Continue!

Last night I was watching ESPN as they talked about all of the college football games. Suddenly I realized that they were not showing a replay of a USC game, it was actually a Thursday night game at Oregon. So I continued to watch, in AMAZEMENT! Oregon literally ran all over USC in the first half. Now me being the paw paw that I am, I have to admit something. Half time came around and I just couldn't stay awake for the 30 minute break. I fell asleep quickly. The good thing about it was that I slept well and I got to the see the best part of the game. USC tried to come back in the second half but they didn't quite make it. USC lost 27-21 to a unranked team.

Can this happen to LSU? Sure, it can happen to anyone...and it will happen to more teams this season. But its always fun to see Pete Carroll look like this...

Why does he look like that? Because of this...

Congrats to their little man, #1 Rodgers (Mr. Touchdown was his name in High School since he set the Texas state record for most touch downs in a high school career. This 5'6" 190 lb kid can play some football!) and his brother #8. They really played well..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is what I have been waiting for since I bought my trail camera. I am so excited. I wish that I could keep it as a pet. The only way to do that would be to kill the mom....hmmmm....just joking. I would never purposely kill the mom. BUT there is a reason that deer season starts next Wednesday. Its because biologist believe that their young can and will survive in the wild without mom.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can you spare a nickle?

Two trucks collided on I-95 in Florida. One of the truck was carrying over 3,000,000 coins. It was approximately $185,000 in nickles. The truck was carrying the nickles from Miami to the US mint place in Philadelphia.

Click here for pictures of the wreck.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cop Car Deer Hunting

A fellow Brother sent this to me. I prefer using a gun, but you get the same results in the end.

Only difference is, I have food when I kill a deer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Guest Speaker

This is most likely one of the funniest sermons that I have ever heard in my life. Bill Cosby needs to see this for his old show "Kids Say The Darndest Things". Was that Bill Cosby?

Getting Serious

Amanda and I are getting closer and closer to buying a house. There are a lot of important decisions to be made. For me I am looking at it from so many different angles. I just don't want to make the wrong decision. Yesterday I noticed that the interest rates on mortgage loans went as low as 5.325%. Of course I would love to have something so low. But its just one big gambling game, this morning they are back up to 5.625%. So who knows what we will get. Timing is everything!

Amanda has been awesome with doing a lot of research on the houses that our in our price range, hopefully we will find something perfect!

Please pray for us as we go through this time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Update

Hurricanes are so different when you are not living in an apartment or your parents house. There is so much more to consider when its your place that's in danger.

We may not own our house, but its still home. The main thing that I was concerned about was our freezer full of great food. I had lots of redfish, deer meat, elk meat, sausage, and more. I didn't want to lose all of that. The other thing that I was very concerned about was the water oak near our kitchen window. The wind was blowing in the perfect direction to put it on our house, but that didn't happen. Actually, neither of my fears came true. I was able to keep my freezer cold with my neighbors help. They were nice enough to let me use their generators for a couple of hours a day to charge up my freezer. And the water oak only dropped one or two limbs throughout the storm.

We had electricity through most of the storm. Since our road has been cleared to make room for the new road we actually didn't have many problems with trees on the lines. I was actually the first person to mess up electricity. I had one of my cedar trees fall on the service line going to the house. Some how that knocked out half my houses' power and half the neighbor's power. It broke the connecting line from the road to our service line. About thirty minutes later a tree fell on the line across the street from us. It was a tree that was far from the road but it fell on a service line and pulled the line down from the road.

Seeing this storm come through was something that I had never seen. I didn't know how strong mother nature could be. It was incredible to see/hear the gust come through. We were standing outside watching the backyard mainly. Unfortunately we saw a lot of trees go down. Especially in the neighbors yard. Poor Mr. Benny had a lot of great oaks go down. I actually saw an oak tree pretty much explode when a gust of wind hit it. That was unbelievable. The guy on the side of him lost around 9 oak trees in the back yard, all of them up rooted.

After all was said and done we were all safe. No house damage around us, just a lot of trees to clean up.

Here are some pictures from the storm:

This is me walking around in the storm winds. I was running around to see trees fall.

Two cedar trees fell in the drive way.

This oak tree took one for the team. It was pretty much the only one with damage out of all of the live oaks in the front yard. It was able to shield the other trees from the bad wind.

The sycamore tree in the back yard just lost a lot of limbs.

Here is a distant look at Mr. Benny's trees.

Me cutting our way out of the drive way.

I will try and track down a picture of the size of my burn pile. It was the biggest that I have ever made.