Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Poll #2

71% - 11 times
29% - 5 times

I knew that this one was going to be a hard one for y'all. I had to make a list for myself just so I could remember.

1. TV fell on my head - (5 years old)
2. Stepped on something while fishing in pond - (11 years old)
3. Got some air on a jump and busted my knee, biking - (14 years old)
4. Ice Skate to the shin, someone thought they could spray ice on me - (17 years old)
5. Axe to the shin - (23 years old)
6. Rock into the shin, three weeks after axe/6" above axe - (23 years old)
7. Knife to the hand - (25 years old)

Times that I have needed stitches....unknown.

Thanks for playing.

1 comment:

padre said...

you are still cute in stitches