Friday, October 30, 2009


About a month ago I was visiting with Stephanie. She was showing me all of the cool stuff on her new iPhone. One of the games that she had on there was Minesweeper. At that moment I remembered that I LOVE that game. So I started playing it some here and there. I do not know if I ever attempted the expert level, but I knew that I was good enough. So after MANY MANY games here are my results...

As you can see, I have two question marks in the top right corner. Those were the last two blocks that I came to. I was so nervous about choosing which one, I just flipped a coin.

As you can see here, my coin toss was a winner. I was quite pleased with myself. Now I am an expert. The one thing that I do not like about this game is that there are times that you are going to have to guess which block. They should have more thinking and less guessing going on here. After all, it holds the title of EXPERT!

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